From #1 AMAZON bestselling author Armando Cruz


Modern Man's Guide To Escape Obscurity & Live A Life Unleashed

About the Author

Armando Cruz is a connoisseur of experiences, a husband, father, adventurer, bestselling author, ultramarathoner, lifestyle physical therapist, and legacy coach.

Armando helps growth-minded, married men live happier, more connected, and more fulfilled lives. He does this with his immersive coaching program that help men show up powerfully in their marriage, in their health, in their business, and in their purpose.

Armando's unique approach helps strip away the clutter both internally and externally that is stopping men from showing up daily as the greatest and grandest version of who they are for themselves, their family, and their legacy.

Armando has climbed mountains, run over 100 miles in a day in swamps filled with snakes and alligators, has lived out of his car, and has rollerbladed and surfed in hurricanes but his biggest adventure has been fatherhood.

He is the creator of the Cleanse & Renewal Program, the Modern Man Virtual Summit, and the R.I.C.H. Man Experience. He is the co-owner of Cruz Country Optimal Performance Systems with his wife, Christian.

All content © 2024 Armando Cruz